
A quiet meet cute, the indignities of driving, and a giant vulture puts the kibosh on my Lyft driving days

This week’s road observations: I spy a man washing his car on a dark cold night. Which wasn’t as weird as seeing another man do yoga poses in the middle of the sidewalk later that (still dark, now rainy) night. ~~~~~~~~ #Lyft Line: The Quiet Meet Cute A girl with long black hair gets into…

Corgi butts, passive-aggressive road gab, and a universe run by Siri

It’s a busy street in SOMA. So busy that when Tu—an Asian-American girl with shortly trimmed spiky hair, glasses, and a bouncy gait—lands buoyantly in the backseat of my car, a nearby vehicle is already honking at us to move.  Tu holds in her hands a salmon-colored paper box of cupcakes. Once we escape the…

Carnal Questing: Passengers Talk Joys and Difficulties of Modern Dating

Perhaps more straightforward in our parents’ generation, dating takes so many different forms today. For some it’s exhaustingly uncertain and painful, for others it’s a dopamine rush and world-expanding. Some daters are out there looking for The One, others are experimenting with ethical non-monogamy, and still others are searching for (or open to) something in…

Dear Men (A Wearied Letter from your Burned Out Lady Lyft Driver)

“Picking up strangers—alone—and inviting them into your car. It’s a task that’s unappealing at its core, and it can be especially so to women who are perceived to be more vulnerable to harassment or attack.” —Claire Zillman in a 2015 Fortune Magazine article about women Uber drivers **Of the 160,000 drivers in the US, 14…

Toast with Me: Golden State Bars

Step inside and unwind at these California bars with memorable ambiences—all stumbled upon in my excursions as a Lyft driver across the state. **No need to worry, as I can assure you that sparkling water was my beverage of choice at pretty much all of these. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First and Last Chance Saloon (Oakland, CA) Paper…


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